Saturday, 26 January 2019

2019 | Reading & Blogging Goals

I'm pretty late sharing my reading and blogging goals for this year, but that has a lot to do with the fact I couldn't think of many. Last year I tried to limit the goals I set myself as I had felt restricted in previous years. Giving myself fewer, less specific goals led to me reading the most I have read in years so this is something I want to continue this year. However, I do have a few little goals for myself in 2019.

Goodreads Reading Challenge
Despite reading 67 books last year, 17 more than my Goodreads goal, my goal is not changing this year. I am sticking with 50 books. This is partly because I know this year is going to be crazy for me - I graduate this year so I have to be a real adult with an adult job - and partly so there is less pressure to meet my goal.

Read More Variety
Of the 67 books I read in 2018, 42 were YA Contemporary. That is my favourite genre so it is always likely to be the biggest number but I'm not very happy with that number. I really enjoy many other genres but I just haven't been picking them up recently. I would like to make it a priority to reach for books from other genres throughout 2019.

Use The Library More
Last year I discovered my library ebook and audiobook service and it's great. I would love to make use of it a bit more in 2019, which will hopefully help me to buy less books. At the moment my library isn't great for physical books, and I am not the most reliable when it comes to returning books, so I'm sticking to this service for now. 

Get My Physical TBR Down
I am sick of setting this goal for myself every year but it just never seems to happen. My physical TBR is currently sitting at around 145, which is a little overwhelming. I'm not giving myself a number to get it down to this year, I would just like it to go down.

Request Less ARCs
Over the past couple of years I have discovered Netgalley. Last year, despite my best efforts, I went a slightly crazy with requesting and ended up getting overwhelmed at times. This year I am hoping to limit myself to no more than one ARC per month. We'll see how well that one goes.

Post Reviews On Goodreads
I often forget to post my reviews from my blog to Goodreads. I also don't tend to review a book on Goodreads if I don't write a full review on my blog. I would like both of these things to change in 2019. Ideally, I would like to review every book I read this year on Goodreads.

Post At Least Once A Week
I have given myself to goal to blog consistently every year and I always struggle to do so by the end of the year. This year I'm trying to be kinder to myself and take into account the fact that life is about to get mad. I know there are weeks that I can't post consistently, but I am hoping that I can manage at least one blog post a week.

This is another one that is on the list every year. However, this year I am putting less pressure on myself. Rather than try and be as artsy and creative and all the crazy talented bookstagram people, I just want to have every book I read this year featured. There will most likely be nothing creative but I like to have a visual representation of the books I read.

Those are my goals for 2019. They are a lot less specific than in previous years, I have tried not to set any specific numbers to my goals. I have also tried to take into consideration that fact that a lot of things are going to change throughout this year and I don't know how that will affect both my reading and my blog. Hopefully I can accomplish at least some of these goals.

What goals have you set for yourself in 2019?

Sophie :)

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