Monday, 21 January 2019

2018 | Reading Goals Review

I'm really stretching out these end/beginning of the year blog posts! I love looking back at my previous reading year so I like to do as many of these kinds of posts as I can. I always enjoy looking at the goals I set myself for the year and seeing if I managed to accomplish them and, if I remember correctly, I didn't do too bad a job in 2018.

Goodreads Reading Challenge
As always, I set my Goodreads goal to 50 books in 2018. This is a number I have always struggled to reach, having only done so one year. However, 2018 was completely different. I ended up hitting 50 books in September and managed to read a total of 67 books in the year. This is the most I have ever read in a year, so I am very happy about that.

Finish 5 Series
I wanted to make series a priority in 2018, as I tend to pick up standalones or start series and never finish them. I didn't expect to finish 5 series, it just seemed like a good number to aim for. However, this is another goal I managed to accomplish. This even included reading 3 complete series in the year.

Listen To 5 Audiobooks
For the past few years I had been going through phases of listening to audiobooks but it was something I wanted to do regularly. I figured 5 would be a good number to go for, but 2018 seemed to be the year of getting back into audiobooks and I ended up listening to 17! This was very unexpected but I am so glad to have incorporated audiobooks into my reading and they have definitely helped me to read more books in the year.

Re-Read 5 Books
I struggle to make re-reading a priority when there are so many unread books that I am desperate to pick up. I do love re-reading favourites though, so I am really glad I managed to accomplish this goal and re-read 5 books in 2018. I would have loved to manage more than that but I'm happy with 5.

Read 5 Before Buying
This is something I have tried for a couple of years now in an attempt to reduce my book buying. Like the previous year, I gave up on this after a couple of months. I did cut back on book buying considerably, though. Not including the insane amount of books I bought at YALC (because that doesn't count, obviously), I only bought around 30 books in the year. 

Physical TBR Under 100
When I set this goal for myself, I was not aware of the fact I would be attending YALC. That is my excuse. My physical TBR is sitting somewhere around 140 at the moment so it has actually grown in the year. I don't know how to fix this problem.

Blog Consistently
Ah, poor little naive Sophie thinking this would be a thing I could do in 2018. Life was crazy and I couldn't keep it up, sadly. If you have any advice on how to keep up with your blog when life gets crazy, please do let me know. 

Revamp Reviews
This was a super vague goal and it is something I am still working on. I tried a few different things throughout the year but I have yet to find a way of reviewing that I really like. 

The less said about this the better. I failed miserably again. I'm just not creative enough for bookstagram.

I definitely prioritised certain goals over others in 2018 and those that I did prioritise I did quite well with. Things like reducing my physical TBR and blogging consistently are things I need to work on, but I need to find better ways of fixing these problems. Overall, I am pretty happy with how many of my 2018 goals I did meet, I think I've done pretty well.

How did you do with your reading goals?

Sophie :)

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