Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke And The Bookish, now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Lists galore, I can think of nothing better!
This week's theme is Book's On My Fall TBR. As I have mentioned many times, I rarely stick to any TBR lists that I make but I like to make them anyway. There are a few books I have been wanting to get to for a while, as well as some thrillers that I have been putting off until this time of year, so let's hope I can get to them this season.
1. Giant Days by Non Pratt - I love to read a college/university themed book around 'Back To School' time and as I have just started back at university, this seems like the perfect book to read soon.
2. Easy Prey by Catherine Lo - An October release that I won an ARC of at YALC. This is about a photo leak scandal involving a teacher.
3. Dare To Fall by Estelle Maskame - I have read all of Estelle's other books, and loved them, so I need to get around to this one soon. I don't really know what this is about but I expect to love it.
4. Don't Look Back by Jennifer L Armentrout - This is a YA thriller about two friends that go missing but only one comes back. It is up to her to work out what happened and where her friend is, but she can't remember anything.
5. I Stop Somewhere by TE Carter - I like some dark contemporaries in the Fall and this is definitely dark. It follows a girl who has been sexually assaulted, but I don't know much more than that.
6. City Of Glass by Cassandra Clare - I'm still determined to finish this series by the end of the year but I'm not sure how likely that is. I at least want to get to the third book.
7. Panic by Lauren Oliver - I have owned this book for far too long, I need to finally read it! I know very little about this other than it involves a high stakes game in a small town.
8. Behind Closed Doors by BA Paris - This is an adult thriller that I have been hearing some good things about. It sounds to me like a domestic thriller about a seemingly perfect couple hiding some secrets 'behind closed doors'.
9. Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn - This has been on my Fall TBR for a couple of years now but I'm hoping now that it has been adapted I'll have that extra motivation to finally pick it up.
10. Illuminae by Aime Kaufman & Jay Kristoff - I tend to be more in the mood to read Sci-Fi & Fantasy during the colder months and this is one that keeps catching my eye when I'm looking for my next read.
That is my Fall TBR. Will I read these books? Not likely. What are you hoping to read during the next few months?
Sophie :)