Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke And The Bookish. Lists galore, I can think of nothing better!
This week's topic is book that were hard for me to read. It might be due to a difficult topic, a huge amount of pages, a cringeworthy plot or anything else. I struggled a bit with this topic but managed to make a list of ten.
1. Insurgent by Veronica Roth
I absolutely loved Divergent but I really struggled through Insurgent. I felt like a lot of the plot dragged on a bit and I had to stop myself from giving up on it a few times. In the end I did like it but it was hard to get through.
2. Naked In Knightsbridge by Nicky Schmidt
I hated this book! The plot wasn't great and very predictable, the characters were not at all likeable and I really struggled to finish it. It was so hard to read that I felt like my IQ was dropping as I read it, I really didn't enjoy it.
3. Friends Forever by Danielle Steele
Friends Forever deals with so many difficult topics that I found it very hard to read. It was a great book but I cried constantly while reading it and it left me feeling very emotionally drained. You can read my full review here.
4. We Were Liars by E Lockhart
The writing style in We Were Liars is very unique and I found it quite difficult to read. There are a lot of metaphors used throughout and I often found myself questioning what was real and what was just a metaphor. The confusing writing style made it much harder to read than it should have been.
5. Wedding Cake In Turin by Lynda Renham
This is another book that I just did not enjoy. I did not enjoy the plot, none of the characters were likeable and there were a lot of silly mistakes and overly repeated phrases. I found this book very annoying which made it very hard to read.
6. A Walk To Remember by Nicholas Sparks
Cancer in teenagers is never an easy subject to read about but I cried my eyes out all through reading this book. I even made the mistake of finishing it in public and got very strange looks from the other plane passengers as I sobbed hysterically. This was definitely a hard one for me.
7. Romeo & Juliet by William Shakespeare
I will never be able to read Shakespeare easily. The language goes straight over my head and it is too much work to enjoy.
8. The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks
This is another book that was a very emotional read for me. The main character, Ronnie, goes through some difficult stuff in this book and I found some of it quite hard to read about. I cried a lot during this one as well.
9. Fifty Shades Of Grey by EL James
This book was so hard for me to read that I didn't even finish it. It was not the subject matter that made this book hard to read, I didn't even get to the 'dirty stuff' before giving up, it was just a bad book. The plot was not very interesting, the main characters really annoyed me and I did not want to waste my time reading the rest of it.
10. My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult
I'm finishing of the list with yet another book that made cry a lot. My Sister's Keeper is a very hard book to read emotionally. It deals with some very difficult topics and Jodi Picoult dealt with them so well that I couldn't help but shed quite a few tears.
What books did you find hard to read?
Sophie :)